How To Buff Out Scuffs On Car In The Most Effective Way

Your car is vulnerable to all sorts of issues like scuffs, scratches, dents, dings, scratches, paint transfer, etc. There are times when we all wished if our car had some protective shield, to protect it from issues like these. Unluckily, there is nothing of that sort invented yet and until then, we have to use some tips and tricks to fix such issues. This article discusses how to buff out scuffs on car on your own so read on!

How To Buff Out Scuffs On Car?

Your car can get scuffs due to several reasons. But whatever the reason is, discovering a new scuff or scratch in your car can be heartbreaking. And if you did not use the right method to remove the scuff, you will end up making it worse. Among all the DIY methods on how to buff out scuffs on car, the best would be by using toothpaste. Here is how you can do it. 

Use Toothpaste To Remove Scuffs

You may have seen many uses of toothpaste when it comes to cleaning your car or some of its parts. It also is the most effective way when it comes how to buff out scuffs on car. All you have to do is get a damp, soft cloth and a smear of toothpaste. Then wipe it over the scuff marks and see the magic work. This method works the best only if the scuff marks haven’t penetrated deep into the clear coat of the vehicle’s paint. 

Toothpaste can sand down the uneven surface of your car’s glossy sheen and fills the gap. You have to make sure the surface around the scuff marks is very clean without proceeding with the process. You wouldn’t want to buff particles of dirt and debris into your paint. The toothpaste will also help in removing if there are any paint scuffs in your car too. 

  • Take a soft and clean cloth
  • Make the towel damp
  • Add a dab of toothpaste to your damp cloth
  • Rub the toothpaste onto the scratch or scuff marks in small circular motions to cover its surface. 

  • You would notice the scuff mark slowly disappearing when you lift the cloth. 
  • You can stop once you completely removed the mark. 

Why Does Toothpaste Work?

Toothpaste is a very good cleaning material that works on delicate surfaces. It works on CDs, DVDs and even phone screens if it has scratch marks. Toothpaste is simply a smoothing wonder. Now you may be wondering why it works so well. 

Toothpaste is simply a sanding tool. You can call it a lighter, softer substitute for sandpaper. When you rub it gently on a slick surface, it catches on any imperfections that are present in the surface. Then toothpaste works to softly sand them away, wearing away the uneven surface problems and polishing the surface clean.

If you are not aware, this is what toothpaste does to our teeth as well every time you brush, removing germs and any leftover food parts on its way. The sanding down property of toothpaste is what makes them the best choice of all the methods of how to buff out scuffs on car. 

Picking The Right Toothpaste

Toothpaste sure is a great material to sand down scuff marks in your car. But picking the right toothpaste is very important. Using old toothpaste or low quality one won’t do much help to you. It is recommended to use whitening toothpaste to buff out scuff marks from your car. 

Whitening toothpaste works the best because of its rougher, grittier texture. You may not feel this difference in your brushing routine but it makes a difference when used in car paint. Whitening toothpaste has barely visible small discernible abrasives one that is similar to the abrasives found in car polish. So when you gently rub your toothpaste against the scuffs on your car, the abrasive works in removing tiny layers of film and clear coat, polishing away those ugly marks and leaving a glistening mirror shine. 

If you are worried about choosing the wrong toothpaste or if you are looking to buff out your entire car which would need a lot of toothpaste, you can opt for some clay bars or a detailing kit, which are also great materials for getting your car’s paint job as smooth as glass. 

How To Get Paint Scuffs Off Of Your Car?

Getting paint scuffs off the car can be a bit harder than normal cars. To perform this process, you will need microfiber towels, polishing compounds, a scratch repair product or a mild adhesive remover. 

Steps To Follow

To get paint scuffs off of your car, you need to follow the below steps carefully. 

  • Park your car in a cool area away from direct sunlight. 
  • Take your microfiber towel and add a small amount of remover or compound to it. 
  • Lightly rub the affected area in small circles. Slowly increase the pressure as the remover is spread over the paint. If you are using an adhesive remover, use small amounts and be quick and deliberate. Use light brush strokes with the towel and don’t let it sit. 

  • With the dry side of the microfiber towel or a different towel, wipe away any excess remover and buff the area. 
  • Repeat the steps until the area is completely clear. You may have to do the step about 3 to 4 times. 

Some Tips To Remember

There are some things you must remember while performing the process of removing paint scuffs from your car. 

  • Do not overdo it. Brief and light wipes would be enough to remove the paint. 
  • If you saturate the towel with the paint remover or soak the paint or rub the paint too hard, it could lead to the damaging of the clear coat. 

  • Most modern cars come with multi-stage paint jobs with clear coats. But if your car only has a single-stage paint job, you should not use any sort of adhesive remover as it could end up removing some of your car paint. 


Scuffs on the surface of the car can almost be frustrating and depressing especially if your car is relatively new. However, there are some DIY methods you can follow to fix buff out the scuffs from your car like the method mentioned in this article. Hope this article proved helpful to you!

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