Why Does Check Engine Light Flashing Then Stops Suddenly?

Every car has an assortment of car warning lights on the dashboard and they all have a different meaning. When any notification appears on your car’s dashboard. It can cause a fair amount of stress, especially if you don’t know how serious the alert may be. Nothing can be more frustrating than when you’re running extremely late for your important office meeting and the check engine light flashing then stops on the dashboard. Now, what is causing this issue? Let’s see it in detail. 

What Does The Check Engine Light Mean?

The check engine light is easily identified. It looks like an engine and typically includes words such as “check.” Usually yellow or red. Its main function is to let you, as the driver, know that one of the car’s sensors is not functioning correctly. The check engine light will either be in a solid unblinking state or flashing. Whenever you start your car you’ll notice that the check engine light glows temporarily usually for around six seconds.

The check engine light is more formally known as the malfunction indicator lamp (MIL). When this light comes on it is a signal from the car’s engine computer that something is wrong. Check engine lights come in orange, yellow, or amber, depending on the manufacturer. If the light begins flashing, however, it indicates a more serious problem, such as a misfire that can quickly overheat the catalytic converter. These emissions devices operate at high temperatures to cut emissions but can pose a fire hazard if faulty.

Why Does Check Engine Light Flashing Then Stops Suddenly?

The check engine light is a type of signal that detects and indicates vehicle malfunctions. It’s an onboard diagnostics system that can find out any defect in ignition, fuel or exhaust systems, or emissions system. Also provides essential and immediate signals to you.

If you notice the check engine light flashing and then stops suddenly you need to stop driving immediately. Otherwise, it may cause serious damage like engine misfires. Check engine light is actually triggered by your car’s computer which is monitoring sensors throughout the system. It will be saying one of the sensors has found something wrong. Just make sure when you are looking at the check engine light, either it is constantly on or flashing continuously.

What Is The Engine Misfire?

To provide the power for the vehicle to be driven, the typical engine of the car needs to have a group of cylinders where the air and fuel mix and ignite.

In other words, if one of the cylinders or more cylinders happened to have an issue and were not able to work properly then the check engine light would start flashing behavior.

Next time or the moment you are going to wonder why your check engine light is flashing then most of the time it might be a misfire of your engine.

What Are The Indications Of Engine Misfire?

You will recognize right away that the car is not doing as well as it usually does if the check engine light is flashing, especially at high RPM (revolution per minute) when the vehicle starts to be jerky or jumpy. The first indication is the sound of the engine, one of the first signals you can immediately notice an engine misfire is the weird sound of the engine of your vehicle.

You can notice that the engine could be driving roughly and jerky which tells you to stop driving and gather some ideas about what is happening. You can also experience check engine light flashing or car sputtering that is being categorized in severe scenarios.

The second indication is the smell of the gas, this must be the most obvious situation you’re going to face if ever happens. Its smell plus a check engine light that is flashing can signal that there is something wrong or leaking in your fuel and issues like this could be severe.

Some other engine misfire indications include difficulty in starting your vehicle, black smoke keeps on coming out of the tailpipe of your vehicle, and a smell like an egg that has been rotted coming out of the exhaust of your vehicle.

What Could Cause Your Check Engine Light To Come On?

The Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) i.e. check engine light is a warning light (sometimes called a tell-tale) that indicates a malfunction with your vehicle (as detected by your car’s computerized engine-management system). When something goes wrong in this complex collection of components and sensors, it triggers this light. It’s usually displayed on your dashboard as a pictogram or symbol of an engine, or sometimes simply CHECK ENGINE, or CHECK ENGINE SOON.

Most Common Causes For The Check Engine Light To Come On:

1. Faulty Oxygen Sensor:-

The Oxygen Sensor measures the amount of oxygen in your exhaust system. It then communicates this information to your car’s computer so that it can adjust the engine’s air and fuel mixture. When your oxygen sensor is faulty, your car will use up more fuel and produce more emissions by triggering the check engine light to come on.

2. Faulty Gas Cap / Fuel Cap:-

A cracked, faulty, or loose gas cap/fuel cap can cause your engine light to come on mainly because the fuel system has a vapor leak. In other cases, it could be a more serious leak in the upper portion of the fuel system.

3. Failed Catalytic Converter:-

A catalytic converter controls emissions in your car’s exhaust system. It converts carbon monoxide and other harmful gases into less harmful byproducts. If your catalytic converter is failing, it will cause your car check engine light to come on.

4. Faulty Spark Plugs:-

The bad or faulty spark plugs could be another main reason for the check engine light being on.

5. Faulty Mass Airflow (MAF) Sensor:-

The Mass Airflow Sensor or MAF Sensor helps your car’s computer determine the amount of fuel to be added based on the amount of air coming into the motor. A common cause of MAF sensor failures is a dirty air filter or one that’s not properly installed.

Therefore, these are some common reasons for the check engine light flashing then stops glowing on the dashboard. 

Is It Safe To Drive While The Check Engine Light Is On?

If the check engine light is flashing, you can’t keep driving the car. It’s an emergency. Often it indicates an engine misfire. If you keep driving, you will likely cause irreversible damage, mostly to the (expensive) catalytic converter.

Don’t risk that expense – have your car towed to a certified mechanic for repair.

How Do I Diagnose The Misfire Issue?

The check engine light flashes to indicate a chance of misfire. The common reasons behind misfires are clogging spark plugs, vacuum leaks, weak fuel injectors, worn valve seals, no voltage at the coil, carbon tracking, and so on.

Step 1

We need to figure out why the light is on. So you need to read the codes with a code reader. Or do it from auto parts shops that offer to decode free. Once you decode the code, you can diagnose what’s happening to your car. The code reader shows codes for misfires. Also, that shows specific descriptions with cylinder numbers. For example cylinder 2 is misfiring. When you identify the misfire problem, you have to go for the further step.

Step 2

The second step is to remove the spark clog. There are a couple of things you need to check before this step. Is there oil on these threads or above the shaft or remain dry? Oil leaking caused the spark plug problem and led to misfires or blue smoke. If they dry, check the electrode on a spark plug. Then you should replace them with a new spark plug. Because damaged spark plugs are pretty cheap to get them out anyway and often they can have problems internally.

Step 3

The check engine light may not go off on its own. You have to reset it. Before you turn the car on after doing repairs, you have to clean your engine code. So that you will know whether the repair works or not. You can use a code reader. Or you can go under the hood and disconnect the negative terminal to the battery for a minimum of 10 minutes or more. Which will reset the computer and turn the light off.

Therefore, these are some steps to diagnose the reason behind the check engine light flashing then stops glowing on the dashboard. 


We hope the above-mentioned information about the check engine light flashing then stops glowing suddenly will be helpful to all the readers. If anybody’s doubts persist feel free to comment in the comment section below. We’ll try to solve your doubts as soon as possible.

There Is A Changed Alternator Now Car Won’t Start, What To Do?

There is a changed alternator now car won’t start? Have you ever wondered about it? In case, if you are wondering about this then there is no need to worry about it. In this article, we will be discussing it in detail.

What Does An Alternator Do?

An Alternator is a power source that produces electricity to power all the electrical accessories in your car. As the engine provides only mechanical energy, it does not generate electricity. The vehicle’s charging system consists of a car battery, a voltage regulator, and an alternator. The alternator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy with an alternating current.

The stator and rotor inside the alternator work like a magnet that rotates to generate the alternating current. The Alternating Current (AC) is transformed into a Direct Current (DC) that charges the battery. Both overcharging and undercharging your battery can be a serious issue. The voltage regulator sends the power from the alternator to the battery and controls the amount of energy to provide a steady flow of power to the battery.

How Long Will A Car Battery Last Without An Alternator?

A short-term battery could last for 30 minutes in these circumstances. The engine could take no longer than two hours to keep driving as long as you stay out of trouble. Also keep the engine on, as you may need to start the car without an alternator. As soon as you start the car, the battery quickly loses its flexibility.

Will A Car Still Run Without An Alternator?

Yes, you can. You won’t be able to keep your engine running for more than two miles on its own with the battery even if it’s fully charged. Moreover, it is extremely difficult to keep the battery in a standard car running for an extended period of time before the engine shuts down.

How Far Can You Drive Without An Alternator?

The car might not be able to move very quickly if the alternator is faulty even a short while before its failure occurs. When driving a hundred miles on one tank of fully charged power alone, you will never exceed up to 200 miles.

How Long Can You Drive With A Dead Alternator?

Unless your vehicle alternator works properly, you can only go a distance of about 25 miles before the battery is empty when it is fully charged. There is usually a maximum drive time of about 30 minutes per mile, for a total distance of 25 miles.

Reasons Behind The Changed Alternator Now Car Won’t Start?

If this issue of changed alternator now car won’t start occurs. Then the battery should be checked first. If it is low enough then the fuses for the charging system need to be checked. If one of the wires for the alternator shorted while replacing, then this will occur.

What Are The Signs Of A Bad Alternator?

If your car starts but stalls when you’re underway, your battery is probably not being recharged due to a faulty alternator. A squealing sound comes from the engine that gets louder when drains like the heater or sound system are on maybe your alternator bearings. If you hear a whine or the sound goes fuzzy when you hit the gas, your alternator is probably failing. If you have a check-engine or battery indicator light illuminated on your vehicle, it could indicate a problem with an automobile charging system, or if your vehicle gets a jump-start and immediately stops running, it could be an indication that the alternator is malfunctioning. It’s important to bring this to a professional for a proper diagnosis of the problem.

How To Deal With This Issue Of Changed Alternator?

There is nothing more frustrating than a dead car. When you changed alternator now car won’t start, it is likely a problem with the battery, alternator, or starter. And if you changed the alternator of your car and it is not starting. All these parts work together to power your vehicle so it can be hard to know which part is at fault. With a new starter, battery, and alternator assuming you have not drained the battery attempting to start it.

The starter should attempt to crank over the engine. If the starter does not make any noise when the key is turned to crank over the engine, you have an issue with the fuses or the circuit. You may also have another engine issue that the computer has detected maybe that caused the stalling and it may be stopping the engine from being started.

For that reason, scan the vehicle for diagnostic codes to rule out a computer protection mode preventing starting. The starting circuit is not terribly complicated, and with a test light or voltmeter and a wiring diagram, you can trace the system and find out where you are losing power. Make sure the battery cables, terminals, and ground connection are clean, dry, and tight.


We hope the above-mentioned information about the changed alternator now car won’t start issue will be helpful to everyone. If anyone’s doubts persist regarding the topic feel free to comment in the comment section. We’ll definitely try to solve all the problems as soon as possible.

What Is The Hybrid System Warning Light, How Does It Works?

When a car gets the ability to run on both engine and battery is known as a Hybrid vehicle. For eg., Toyota Prius is a hybrid vehicle because it operates on both gas as well as battery. Now, just like the malfunctioning occurs in other cars, it also occurs in the hybrid cars too. They are not an exception to a hybrid system warning light. Let’s get a detailed format for it.

What Does The Hybrid System Warning Light Mean?

The Hybrid system warning light signifies that there is an issue with your vehicle’s hybrid system, which is typically a problem with the battery, charging, or electrical systems. Similar to a check engine warning light, the hybrid warning light will need to be addressed quickly to avoid being stranded on the road.

What Does The Warning Mean In Hybrid System?

Whenever the warning pops up, it usually means that the computer has detected a fault or an error within your car’s hybrid system. The warning often appears in two colors: Yellow and red.

The yellow light is often a sign of an error detected by your car’s computer system and is something to diagnose.

The red light may be a sign of more severe issues within your car’s hybrid system that needs to be addressed immediately. You should avoid driving your vehicle before resolving the issue of a hybrid system warning light.

Whenever the “Check Hybrid System” warning pops up, you may experience a couple of other symptoms in your vehicle, such as:

1. Reduced engine performance in terms of speed and acceleration.

2. A malfunction of the car’s hybrid system could cause the vehicle to run solely on gas

3. Increase in fuel consumption.

What Causes The “Check Hybrid System” Warning?

The alert that you get on your dashboard may occur because of several issues. The hybrid warning systems are integrally more complex than typical vehicle warning systems, making it difficult to understand what is causing the warning to pop up. Because of this, you should take your vehicle for a diagnosis to establish what is causing the alert.

It is possible to determine that the warning is caused by one of the following once you run the diagnostic tool.

1. Blown Fuse:-

Hybrid car batteries are usually connected to a fuse. Whenever there is a fault in the fuse or if the fuse fails, then the battery consequently stops working.

2. Inverter Failure:-

Inverters are responsible for converting Direct Current (DC) energy into Alternating Current (AC) energy in battery-driven systems. When the inverter is faulty, it could cause the hybrid system of your car not to function at its maximum capacity.

3. Battery Cell Failure:-

When the “Check Hybrid System” light pops up, and at the same time, you notice that your car’s battery charge state changes quickly from full to empty, then it is possible that your battery pack contains a faulty cell in one of its modules.

Hence, these are some causes of the problem of hybrid system warning light.

How Do You Fix A Hybrid Warning Light?

Try pulling over and turning the car off for a few minutes to reset it. If the hybrid check light comes on while you’re driving, pull over somewhere safe. Turn off your car and let it sit for 5-10 minutes. Then, try starting it back up again to reset it.

Can I Drive With Hybrid Warning Light On?

No, you shouldn’t ignore the hybrid system warning light. While you may still be able to drive your car while the indicator light is on, you could be doing more damage to your car.

What Does The Hybrid System Malfunction Warning Light Means?

If the light comes on while driving, you should pull over safely and shut off the car for a few minutes. Sometimes, this reset will cause the computer to recheck everything and can turn off the light. Like the check engine light, even the smallest errors that are detected will turn the light on even if nothing is going wrong with the car’s hybrid drive system.

How To Fix The Hybrid Warning Light?

There is a simple remedy for hybrid warning lights is resetting the system. Allow the car to cool for a few minutes as you shut it down. After that, restart the computer. Usually, the issue is resolved, and the warning signals disappear.

How Do You Reset A Hybrid Warning Light?

If the vehicle does not go off right away, pull over and turn it off for a few minutes to fix it. While your car sits parked waiting to be checked, make sure it’s parked far from any hybrid systems. Hold your car for five minutes until it’s safe to move. You may need to restart it again to reset it.


We hope the above-mentioned information about the hybrid system warning light will be helpful to all the viewers. If anybody’s doubts persist feel free to comment in the comment section box.

Is There A Fuse For The Seat Belt Light?

If you are wondering is there a fuse for the seat belt light? The answer is NO. There is no fuse for the seat belt warning. 

What Does The Seat Belt Light Mean?

On cars with side airbags and belt tensioners, the seatbelt warning system is automatically included. The warning system alerts you if the seatbelts are not fastened when the car is started. Relevant symbols appear on the multifunction display for 30 seconds after the ignition is turned on.

A light indicates a passenger has fastened their seatbelt properly, while an empty seat shows the seatbelt is still to be secured. The system will also go into action if it detects an unfastened seatbelt when the car is traveling at over 15mph. The seatbelt indicator flashes for 30 seconds and a warning signal is sounded. And in case you are wondering that is there a fuse for the seat belt light then we hope you might have got your answer.

How Does The Seat Belt Warning Light Works?

The seat belt warning light is a very important and helpful tool. For eg. Sometimes, we speak on the phone or to our passengers, or we crank up the music pretty high. With those vocal distractions, it is sometimes hard to hear the ding of the seat belt as it reminds us to buckle in. That is why the seat belt warning light is so beneficial. It is likely that if we don’t happen to hear the seat belt sound over whatever is muffling it, we’ll at least see the glow of the seat belt light on our dashboard.

An important thing to note is that when an engine is started, the seat belt light usually flashes for a second or two even if the seat belt is already secured. However, after those few seconds, the light immediately disappears. If the driver and/or front-seat passenger is secured to their seat belt, the light should stay off.

Is There A Fuse For The Seat Belt Light?

The seat belt chime has no fuse.

Can You Drive With Seat Belt Light On?

It is important to keep in mind that when you have a seat belt warning light on the dashboard it has no fuse. It usually means the safety feature is not working as intended. That means both the driver and passenger seat belt will not lock up in the event of an accident.

Why Does My Seat Belt Light Stay On?

When the seat belt sensor is damaged, or the housing where the buckle is inserted is damaged and needs to be replaced. With the ABS light, this could be an indication of a damaged ABS module, individual wheel sensors, or electrical harness failure.

Where Is The Seat Belt Sensor Located?

In some vehicles, it is found in the center console, kick panel, behind the steering wheel, or under the radio. The importance of the seat belt sensor is that it detects when the metal buckle of the seat belt is inserted into the female portion of the seat belt.

What Does It Mean When Your Seat Belt Light Comes On?

A light indicates that a passenger has fastened their seatbelt properly, while an empty seat shows the seatbelt is still to be secured. The system will also go into action if it detects an unfastened seatbelt when the car is traveling at over 15mph.

How Much Does It Cost To Replace A Seat Belt Sensor?

The cost of the seat belt sensor parts is about $50 to $100. While the cost of the labor is about $100 to $125. You may be able to reduce the labor if you can find a cheap enough mechanic in your area.

How To Fix The Seat Belt Light If It Stays On?

There are times when the seatbelt switch can get broken or get stuck. Which will result in a light that does not turn off. In that case, the buckle needs to be cleaned out or replaced. You can turn to the company safety restore if you have any other issues with your seat belts. The company provides quality seat belt repairs at a reasonable price point.

The seat belt warning light refusing to go out even when buckled up should not fail an MOT. In order to pass an MOT though, it’s important to ensure that all seat belts are in good working order. And that they are free from rips, tears, and any signs of wear-and-tear. Due to a fault of an airbag or SRS, it will fail an MOT test. This results in other dashboard warning lights which are related to the seat belt remaining on.

The problem might be related to a switch inside the buckle. Because of that purchase some electric contact cleaner and spray it into the seat belt buckle. Connect and disconnect the seat belt a few times to see if this has done the job.

Hence, you can try these things to fix your seat belt light.


We hope the above-mentioned information about is there a fuse for the seat belt light will be helpful to all the readers. If anybody’s doubts persist feel free to comment in the comment section below. We’ll try to solve your doubts as soon as possible.

Why Does Car Makes Whining Noise When Starting Cold?

Though every one of us loves buying new cars after a while, those cars turn out to be a depreciated investment as and when problems related to the cars start occurring. It turns out into a liability after a specific period. What if your car makes whining noise when starting cold? It can be quite frustrating when it comes to dealing with those car problems and their repairs. However, it can get even more frustrating when you don’t know the reason behind what is wrong with your vehicle.

In this article, we will be discussing the problem of whining noise in detail. Let’s get started.

Reasons Behind The Car Makes Whining Noise When Starting Cold?

1. In the winter season, the vehicle will make noise for several reasons. If your belts are loose it may take them a while to warm up and grip the pulleys the way they are designed. This may or may not be resolved by replacing the drive belt tensioner. Cold fluids will also cause noises. The power steering pump, engine oil, and transmission fluid all need to warm up before they work properly.

2. This problem is not unusual to hear some engine when first starting on a cold start. The sound can either be from a hydraulic valve lifter or piston-to-cylinder wall clearance. As the engine warms, the clearances change and get tighter and noises will usually disappear.

3. It can be a piece of important information for diagnosing a malfunction. Especially extraneous noise from the engine, which is the main warning of possible problems.

4. Ice accumulation on the wheel well can also lead to some funny noises, especially if you park your car outside overnight or for an extended period. Ice that scrapes against wheels, tires, and brake discs makes interesting noises, too.

5. When a car is stationary, overnight, particularly in winter, the oil drains to the oil sump and thickens. Meanwhile, all the moving parts of the engine keep starving for oil. With no cushion of oil between the mating surfaces, they will clash and grind together and will make more noise.

6. These noises also are caused by the engine belt, the serpentine belt, and the air conditioning compressor.

Therefore these are some reasons behind the cause of this problem of car makes whining noise when starting cold.

How To Fix The Issue Of Whining Noise From The Engine?

1. Firstly, you need to check the power steering pump. Because it can whine and growl in the cold but the sound dissipates as the fluid warms up. You can identify this by using a long wooden handle such as a broom handle and by pressing it firmly to the pump body as the engine runs. Remember to do this very carefully so as not to interfere with rotating parts. Put your ear on the opposite end and you can listen like a stethoscope to pinpoint the origin of the sound.

2. You need to replace your loose belts with the new pairs with the new ones as a spare you can tighten the old ones up to see how much wear you can get out of them.

3. The alternator is an important component it also powers the electrical system when your vehicle is on. The alternator can wear down. If its bearings in the alternator have worn out, it may make a high-pitched squealing noise. This means that it’s time to have the alternator replaced.

4. The alternator is powered by the drive belt. This belt also makes sure that various other engine components work as they should. Since the drive belt is made of rubber, it will wear down eventually. When it deteriorates, it will often make a squeaking or squealing noise, and this is a sign that it needs to be replaced soon.

5. If there is no problem with the drive belt, the pulley bearings may be at fault. The damaged or worn pulley bearings may cause a whining noise as the pulleys spin. In cases like these, it’s generally best to replace the pulley or pulleys entirely.

If the noise is new and you think there is an issue beyond normal cold weather effects, you will need to service all of the fluids. This is in addition to checking the drive belt tensioner. It is better to take the help of the professionals they will help in diagnosing the problem of a car makes whining noise when starting cold properly.


We hope the above-mentioned information and the solutions to the problem of car makes whining noise when starting cold will definitely help all the users.

If anyone has more doubts or queries regarding the same feel free to comment your doubts in the comment section we’ll try to reach up to you and solve your all doubts as soon as possible.


Why There Is A Yellow Exclamation Point On Dash?

Modern vehicles are complex machines. This complexity means that there is a lot to go wrong with a car, and when things do, your first indication is often a warning light on the dashboard. The yellow exclamation point on dash depicts the tire pressure warning light. This warning light signifies that one of the vehicle’s tires is underinflated or the tire has low pressure.

In this article, we’ll be discussing this warning light in detail. Let’s get started.

Reasons Behind A Yellow Exclamation Point On Dash?

The tire pressure monitoring system (or TPMS) is responsible for activating this light. If it turns on while you’re driving, you should pull over and stop as soon as possible. Driving with a flat or underinflated tire is unsafe, as it can drastically alter the vehicle’s handling.

Common reasons for this light to turn on include a puncture, a faulty tire pressure sensor, as well as seasonal temperature changes, which can cause a tire to lose pressure gradually.

Low tire pressure happens naturally over time from driving. Cold weather also causes low air pressure as the air compresses inside of your tires. Driving with low tire pressure can cause poor fuel economy, present risks to your tires and rims, and impact your vehicle handling.

Can You Drive With The Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Warning Light On?

No, it is very unsafe to continue driving when your TPMS lights are on. If you continue to drive with your tires having issues, this could cause a blowout that could be dangerous to you and other people present on the road. It is highly recommended that you head for the nearest gas station if there is a yellow exclamation point on dash.

How Do Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS) Work?

The TPMS uses a sensor that is mounted on the car’s wheel, and this sensor measures the air pressure located in each of the car’s tires. When your car’s air pressure drops 25% below its recommended level, and if one or more of the tires are low on air, the sensor activates and relays this information to your vehicle’s computer system. This lights up the yellow exclamation point on dash.

How Do I Turn The Yellow Exclamation Mark On Dashboard Light Off?

The yellow exclamation mark warning light appears when your car’s tires are underinflated. The driver should immediately head for a gas station or a rest stop with an air pump. The tires on the car should get inflated to the car’s recommended PSI. Tires usually lose pressure because of a small puncture or leak or a sudden decrease in the temperature.

If your tire is punctured, you should go to a nearby service center and get it replaced. If you have a bit for miles to drive, use your spare tire to replace the punctured one. Doing these can save you the hassle of experiencing a flat tire while driving on the road.


We hope the above-mentioned information about the yellow exclamation point on dash will be helpful to all the readers. If anybody’s doubts persist feel free to comment in the comment section below. We’ll try to solve your doubts as soon as possible.

Creaking Sound When Pressing Gas Pedal, What To Do?

There is a loud creaking sound when pressing gas pedal which means that there’s a problem with your engine belt. The engine belt might be loose or worn. Or it could mean that one of the belt’s pulleys is starting to fail. Let’s get a detailed format of this problem.

Reason Behind Creaking Sound When Pressing Gas Pedal?

This is a common sign of a loose or worn belt. By that time, your car’s engine belts may become worn causing them to stretch. This kind of problem arises as you press the gas pedal and the belt goes from a relatively low speed to a much higher speed as the engine accelerates, this can cause the belts to cause a creaking sound.

This can happen when they stretch since the pulleys on your car’s engine are turning faster than what the belt can keep up with when it is not tight against the pulley. This can also happen in extremely cold weather conditions because the rubber belts become slightly brittle and less pliable in cold weather.

1. Exhaust System Leaks:-

When the fuel is combusted, it has to be expelled in a controlled manner. If there is a leak in the exhaust manifold, a creaking noise could be produced. An exhaust leak can occur anywhere in the exhaust system. However, if the leak is in the exhaust manifold, it may present a creaking sound when pressing gas pedal from the engine compartment. Following are the signs of this problem:-

1. Gas smell

2. Engine noise

3. Loss of acceleration and power

4. Reduced fuel economy

2. Leaking Fuel Injectors:-

Leaking injectors aren’t any better. Fuel leaks in the engine are dangerous to you and your passengers. Leaking fuel injectors are rare, but if your vehicle is old and has an impressive odometer reading it could cause loud noises. The symptoms of a Leaking fuel injector include:-

1. Fuel consumption increases

2. Poor and shaky idling

3. Gasoline smells

4. Hard starts

5. Bad emission performance

6. Thinning oil

7. Hydrolocking

3. Low Fuel Pressure:-

If you feel that your car’s performance is much worse than it usually is, it is time to check your fuel pressure. The most common symptom of low fuel pressure is an unresponsive throttle or a stalling engine. You may also notice signs like difficulty starting the car, a check engine light on the dashboard, misfires, or low performance. Low fuel pressure can lead to engine misfires, low acceleration, rough idles, and engine stalls. If your check engine light is on and your car has been stalling out, you may have a fuel pump failure. Here are the most common causes of low fuel pressure:-

1. Clogged Fuel Filter

2. Bad Fuel Pump

3. Stuck Fuel Injector

4. Bad Fuel Pressure Regulator

5. Bad Fuel pipe Line

6. Fuel pressure sensor

3. Bad or Failed Mass Air Flow Sensor:-

The mass airflow (MAF) sensor is a part of your vehicle’s electronic fuel injection system. Which is responsible for calculating the total amount of air entering the engine. A contaminated or failed mass airflow sensor cannot measure the amount of airflow correctly. This causes the engine computer to miscalculate the amount of injected fuel, causing additional damage to your engine. 3 key signs may indicate it’s time to examine your MAF sensor.

1. Stalling

2. Jerking

3. Hesitation during acceleration

How To Fix The Creaking Sound While Pressing The Gas Pedal?

Usually, creaking, chirping, or squealing noises appears while pressing a gas pedal because of a slipped or loose belt. Less frequently, it could point to a misalignment in the drive pulley of the water pump or another accessory.

Step 1:- 

Start your car’s engine. Set the vehicle in Park if it has an automatic transmission. Shift into the Neutral and engage the emergency brake if it has a manual transmission.

Step 2:-

Ask any of your friends to press and release the accelerator. So that, you can audibly and visually observe what happens from outside the vehicle.

Step 3:- 

Open the hood for checking where the creaking, chirping or squealing noise is coming from. When you have finished, make notes of what you heard and saw. Close the hood, stop the engine, and contact a mechanic.

Step 4:-

Describe your observations to the professionals. Use concise and precise language when speaking to a service technician, which will help narrow the potential causes of creaking sound when pressing gas pedal.

Hence, these are some steps that will help you to determine the problem properly.


We hope the above-mentioned information will be helpful to all the readers. If anybody’s doubts persist feel free to comment in the comment section below. We’ll try to solve your doubts as soon as possible.

Why There Is A Clunking Noise In First Gear?

If your transmission mount or engine mount becomes loose or breaks then the clunking noise in first gear occurs. You may also hear such kind of clunking noises whenever you make a sudden change in the speed or whenever you shift gears, due to the movement of the insecure mount. Let’s get an in-depth format for the cause.

Reason Behind The Clunking Noise In First Gear?

Your transmission is responsible for making your car move it transfers the power from the engine to the wheels. During normal operations, you’ll definitely hear at least some noise. However, when it begins making unusual sounds, particularly a clunking or whining noise when in gear, it’s a sign that there is something wrong.

Common causes for this issue are as follows:-

It’s always a little unnerving when your vehicle starts making a noise you’ve never heard before. It can be especially disturbing when you feel the clunking noise in first gear and it’s making reverberating through the whole car. If this is the case, you should ask a mechanic to take a look.

1. Motor Mounts and Transmission Mounts:-

The Motor and transmission mounts provide a cushioned point-of-contact between the both of them and your vehicle’s frame. As the vehicle ages, these cushions can shrink and can become brittle, split or may even fall out-of-place. All of these conditions will lead to clunking noise.

2. Upper and Lower Ball Joints:-

The ball joints on your vehicle provide the pivot point for steering your wheels. Often the only time you will hear them is when turning the steering wheel while you are completely stopped. Ball joints are vitally important for maintaining the control of your car. You’ll often notice a bit of shaking in the front of your car along with the clunking noise in first gear.

3. Exhaust Hangers:-

These are devices that hold your exhaust up under your vehicle. Unless they are very worn, you’ll often only hear them when you first start your vehicle. The sound usually goes away once the exhaust system warms up. In some cases, they will also rattle as you go over bumps in the road.

4. CV Joints or U-Joints:-

Worn CV or U-joints are not, in themselves, inherently dangerous when they fail. In most instances, their failure can simply leave you stranded in a parking space, or worse, on the side of the road. If you suspect CV or U-joints are the cause of the noises you’re hearing, it’s best to have them looked at by a professional right away.

5. Tie Rod Ends:-

The Tie rods are important in keeping your car under control, and any noise that is associated with them should be inspected immediately. Depending on the age and type of vehicle that you own, there can be either a rack-and-pinion steering, a re-circulating ball, or, in older vehicles, a mechanical steering box.

Hence, these are some common causes that lead to clunking noise.

How To Fix The Issue Of Clunking Noise In The First Gear?

1. If there is low transmission fluid, it’s advised to check for the transmission fluid leaks. As low transmission fluid can cause clunking noise in first gear.

2. You need to inspect the tie rod ends as it is important in keeping your car under control, and any noise that is associated with them should be inspected immediately to avoid a dangerous situation from developing.

3. If you suspect CV or U-joints are the cause of the clunking noise in the first gear you’re hearing, it’s best to have them looked at by a professional right away.

4. If you suspect the exhaust hangers are the cause of the noise, get them checked and tightened as soon as possible. This will help to avoid additional damage and keep your exhaust pipe from coming loose and dragging the ground.

5. The Worn out ball joints are a real safety issue. If you believe this is the cause of your vehicle’s noise, have them checked out and replaced immediately.

6. If your motor or transmission mounts are failing, you’ll often feel the vibration from your drive-train inside the vehicle. If this situation is caught and corrected soon enough, you can mitigate damage to your vehicle and avoid costly repairs.

Hence, when you start hearing odd noises coming from your vehicle it is always safer and less costly to get them checked out sooner rather than later.


We hope the above-mentioned information about why there is a clunking noise in first gear will be helpful to all the readers. If anybody’s doubts persist feel free to comment in the comment section below. We’ll definitely try to solve your doubts as soon as possible.

Why My Car Sounds Like A Lawnmower When Idling?

If you’re wondering what makes your car sounds like a lawnmower when idling. It may be because of an exhaust system leak although it is also possible that a failed wheel bearing could cause enough “rumbling” to sound loud.

In this article, we are going to discuss in detail the topic.

Should You Leave Your Car’s Engine Idling?

Idling is when a driver leaves the engine running and the vehicle parked. Every day in the U.S. millions of cars and trucks idle needlessly, sometimes for hours. An idling car can release as much pollution as a moving car. You may not be able to avoid keeping your engine running when you’re stopped at a traffic signal or stuck in slow-moving traffic. But other times idling is unnecessary.

Contrary to popular belief, restarting your car does not burn more fuel than leaving it idling. In fact, idling for just 10 seconds wastes more gas than restarting the engine. Warm up your engine by driving it, not by idling. Today’s electronic engines do not need to warm up, even in winter.

Reasons Behind Car Sounds Like A Lawnmower When Idling?

The exhaust system is located on the underside of your vehicle. It is responsible for processing your vehicle’s emissions by reducing the number of pollutants which is released. It also minimizes the engine exhaust noise and force. Engines produce dangerous gases as a byproduct of the combustion process. Which is considered very dangerous for human beings. This is why your vehicle must have a properly functioning exhaust system.

If a car sounds like a lawnmower when idling it is most likely due to an exhaust system leak. Exhaust noise, such as a “lawnmower” type sound should never be ignored because it may indicate an exhaust system leak which can release carbon monoxide into the cabin of your vehicle and negatively impact your health and well-being.

Following might can also be the reasons for the causing of this problem:-

1. Faulty Spark Plugs:-

If your car shakes, bounces, or makes odd noises like squealing, ticking, or like a lawnmower when it’s idling, there could well be a spark plug issue that needs your attention. Spark plugs are responsible for igniting the combined mixture of fuel and air within your vehicle’s combustion chamber. If one of yours is damaged or isn’t installed correctly, your car may be burning through fuel at a spotty, sporadic rate.

2. Leaky Vacuum Hose:-

All vehicles rely on a vacuum system to pull fuel into their engines. The great majority of them do this via an entire network of hoses and tubes. However, some newer vehicles have a throttle system that keeps the airflow through the system regular and regulates engine function.

Even the best vacuum hoses will accumulate wear and tear, eventually requiring replacement. Old hoses develop leaks, allowing too much air to mix with your fuel. One sign that this could be happening is during a rough idle, especially at a higher RPM. Another is an engine that misfires which causes loud noises.

3. Dirty Fuel Injector:-

Cars equipped with fuel injectors aren’t necessarily immune to a noisy or rough idle. Fuel injectors can accumulate dirt and grime over time, just like carburetors can. If your car sounds loud when idling, has been getting poor gas mileage, or both, a dirty carburetor may be the issue. As with carburetors, fuel injector cleaners can help you keep your system clean, efficient, and fully functional.

4. Carburetor Issues:-

If you drive an older vehicle, the chances are pretty good that it relies on a carburetor instead of a modern fuel injector. If you’ve been hearing odd car sounds under the hood or dealing with a rough idle, a carburetor issue is possible. If your system is also producing black smoke, you can be almost certain your carburetor is the culprit.

Signs Of Your Carburetor Is Failing:-

1. Engine Performance Reduction

2. Black Exhaust Smoke

3. Engine Backfires or Overheats.

What Sound Does A Lawnmower make?

Lawnmowers and sound go together like bread and butter; its the reason for which it was specially recommended for wearing the hearing protection at all times. Supposed if you’re idling your car in the traffic and the first of all, one of the most common sounds that you will hear like a lawnmower from your car is a squealing sound. The lawnmower sound makes a squealing sound and it can be unbearable at many a time.

How To Deal With The Issue Of Lawnmower Sound While Idling?

An improperly functioning exhaust system can affect both your vehicle’s performance and your ability to drive, which is why it is important to have your exhaust system maintained at regular intervals.

Step 1:-

Proper maintenance service should address all the components of the exhaust system including the exhaust manifold, front pipe, downpipe, catalytic converter, and muffler.

Step 2:-

There is a need to repair the exhaust system leak which includes sharp odors or a feeling of drowsiness while driving which may indicate a leak of noxious fumes into the cabin of the vehicle, sounds such as rattling, or a loud “lawnmower” type noise when accelerating due to holes or cracks in the exhaust system caused by rust or corrosion which can lead to an exhaust leak.

Step 3:-

Exhaust leaks are often a result of corrosion which is why it is imperative to have a trained automotive professional routinely inspect all components of your exhaust to determine the source of the leak and repair the damage.

Step 4:-

There is a need to replace the entire exhaust system in the future in order to ensure your safety.

Hence, to safeguard your vehicle from all these types of problems in the future you need to take the help of the professionals who will help to diagnose this problem of car sounds like a lawnmower when idling very well.


We hope the above-mentioned information will be helpful to all the viewers in dealing with this problem of car sounds like a lawnmower when idling. If anyone’s doubts persist feel free to comment in the comment section below we’ll definitely try to solve all the problems as soon as possible.